Customer Service, Handling Difficult Customers, Handling Complaints

The Passport to Customer Delight Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction Delivering better customer service is a continuing goal for many organizations. The key is to forget customer service, look towards customer delight. Based on the definition, delight is to please in all possible aspects.

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Dealing with Difficult and Unhappy Customers Course Duration: 2 Days Introduction

Dealing with difficult and unhappy customers are always challenging but with the right tools and tips, you can turn that stormy relationship into one of a lifeling partnership. A satisfied customer is the best salesperson.

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High Impact Customer Service & Complain Handling Skills Course Duration: 2 Days

Now in 21st Century, in the VUCA era, that very same word ''customers'' provides with a whole new mearning compared to the last century, the last decade and even to before the last 5 years.

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